A moveable command-line-driven charting tool called Gnuplot works on a variety of systems, including Windows, Linux, Os 2, Os X, Vms, and many others.
Both 2d and 3d storylines can be created by Gnuplot, and the output is animated vistas. The maps can also be saved in Png, Svg, Jpeg, and Eps formats in addition to other appearance styles.
Included in the supported output are:
- Interactive screen displays can be cross-platform( Qt, wxwidgets, and x11 ) or system-specific( Ms Windows, Os / 2 ).
- Postscript( including Eps ), Pdf, Png, Gif, Jpeg, Latex, Metafont, Emf, and Svg are all direct outputs to files.
- Html5, xhtml, and other browser indicate files.
Gnuplot was initially developed to support most non-interactive uses, such as browser programming, but it was originally designed to enable scientists and students to project mathematical functions and data proactively. Third-party applications like Octave also use it as a plotting turbine.
- Title:
- For Skylights, gnuplot 5.4.4
- Requirements:
- 98 Southeast Panels
- Xp of Windows,
- , Windows 2000
- Me in Windows,
- 98th Skylights,
- Vista version
- Language:
- English
- License:
- Free
- most recent email:
- 27th of July 2023, Wednesday
- Author:
- Gnuplot