Faststone MaxView for Windows

Faststone MaxView for Windows


All main graphic formats are supported by Maxview, a small, quick, and creative portrait spectator. Folks, from beginners to experts, can quickly and effectively view and fudge pics thanks to its user-friendly layout and instructions.

  1. Transnational windows, automatically hidden recipes, and toolbars that maximize filter space and give the images a very sharp appearance
  2. Full-screen looker with endorse for Select-zoom
  3. Magnifier with diamond clarity and customization
  4. Navigator for hasty image scanning and panning
  5. Observe comprehensive look data, including information for Exifs
  6. Context singing guidance for Mp3, Wav, Midi, and Wma on a slide show with 150 + transitory effects
  7. Jpeg rotation without loss
  8. Calling external applications with one hotkey news
  9. Numerous hotkeys for manipulating and copying images( duplicate, proceed, remove, name, flip )
  10. a wealth of specific selection choices and configurations
  11. Support for Undo, Redos, and Mouse Wheels
  12. Endorse for common image types includes the stacking of Jpeg, Jpeeg2000, Gif, Bmp, Png, Pcx, Tiff, Wmf, Ico, Cur, and Tga files as well as the spending of those files.
  13. Support for digital digital Raw styles includes Dng, Mrw, Orf, Pef, and Crw.
  14. and a lot more …

Up until release 2.1, Faststone Maxview was cost-free. There is a 45-day prosecution period for all later choices.



Windows version of Faststone Maxview 3. 4
  1. Windows 8,
  2. Windows Xp,
  3. Windows 8,
  4. Windows Vista,
  5. Windows 7,
  6. Windows 10,
most recent email:
30th of August 2023, Wednesday

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